View Full Version : Grade each PR Series

05/14/02, 03:04 PM
How would you grade each PR Series?

Here's mine:

MMPRS1: C, This season was ok. Didn't like the dino zords very much. Episodes were good.

MMPRS2: B, This was good. I liked the thunderzords thogh. I missed a bunch of episodes. (Back in 1994 stupid YTV station stopped showing MMPR sometime after Jason, Trini, and Zack passed their powers to Rocky, Aisha and Adam) I didn't have the fox station back then. We got fox in 1995 when MMPR was just starting its 3rd season. No computer back then either. When fox was showing the re runs of season 1 up to end of season 3, I was able to see what I missed in season 2.

MMPRS3: A, This was great. I liked the Ninja Zords alot. Episodes were great too. Didn't like the last few episodes of season 3 very much.

MMAR: C, I didn't like it much at all.

PR Zeo: B, This was a good series. Didn't like the Machine Empire much. I liked the zords and so on. The episodes were good.

PR Turbo: D, this series was ok. I didn't like the first part of Turbo. The 2nd part of Turbo was a bit better. I didn't like Justin though. Episodes were ok.

PR In Space: A+, The best series ever. I liked everything especially Ashley of course. All the episodes were great. Too bad that Zordon died to spread his energy to destroy all evil.

PR Lost Galaxy: C, This series was good. Didn't like it much. Episodes were good. I didn't like any of the characters very much except for Maya.

PR Lightspeed Rescue: C, This series was ok. Episodes were ok except there was a few episodes that was crappy. I liked Dana of course.

PR Time Force: B-, This series was good but not the best. There wasn't enough time line. I liked the zords alot. The characters were ok. Circuit was kinda cool.

PR Wild Force: Kinda too early to rate this but it getting pretty good though. I liked Taylor.

Cross My Line
05/14/02, 03:21 PM
Can't be arsed to explanations right now, so just the grades.
MMPR Season 1: B
MMPR Season 2: B+
MMPR Season 3: A
Zeo: B-
Turbo: A
Space: A
LG: C-

05/16/02, 08:50 PM
PRWF-B+ so far

05/18/02, 10:47 PM
Zeo : B
Turbo : C+
In Space : A
Lost Galaxy : A-
Lightspeed Rescue : B+
Time Force : A++
Wild Force : A+

05/19/02, 12:03 AM
Well I'll base all the series against each other, so the grades for MMPR are different now than when I was younger (obviously because I ad nothing to compare them to)


05/19/02, 12:07 AM
Chrono, why are you still saying Wild Force sucks? Wild Force is going great already by the way. It has gone 16 episodes without sucking.

05/19/02, 01:26 AM
It is my opinion, that's all; nothing more, nothing less. I don't like the acting, the editing is choppy, and the story is weak and repetative. I like the zords a lot, but overall the story telling needs to be tighter, and my grade was in comparison to all the other series.

05/19/02, 01:28 AM
I think it's very good actually.

05/19/02, 01:56 AM
TitaniumBlue: In all fairness I should have explained why I graded each the way I did, so here it is:

MMPR 1-If I was asked to grade it when I was 10, then I'd say A+, but not now whn compared to all series. It was the first one and sets up the entire show and what it's about. I liked the idea of the power coins, ancient powers, cool back story, etc. I liked the teens and the rangers. Some really cheesy stories, but awesome martial arts action from Jason and Tommy (unmorphed).

MMPR 2-I didn't like the Thunder Zords as much, Lord Zedd was ok. I always like Tommy as Green over White. The recycled stories were getting boring. I did love the Green vs. White ranger story, and Adam was one of the best rangers ever.

MMPR 3-Again, recycled stories, but the ninja fights were incredible. The powers were pretty cool, and the zords were a step up from Thunder, but not as good as Dino. However, trying to mix 3-5 main bad guys was hard, and got tiring to keep up with.

Zeo- Great idea, awesome powers and zords. At the time, not realizing PR would change every year at that point, it was hard ti get used to new costumes,etc. I loved Jason coming back, but the Machine Empire didn't seem to menacing. Some really cool stories and an overall great look for the season. I liked Billy staying even though he wasn't a ranger.

Turbo-Not bad looking rangers (costumes), pretty cool zords, but not great story telling and a weak villian. Justin was a huge mistake. Phantom ranger was awesome. I was sad to see Tommy, Adam, Tanya, and Kat leave, but their replacements were actually cool (Unlike Rocky and Aisha, ugh). Did not like Dimitri (so?) or Alpha 6; ended pretty cool.

Space- Awesome. It was hard to get used to Melony's acting, but she got better. I did not like Zhane, which was a first, because I usually like the 6th rangers a lot. Perhaps the best looking series, and definately the best looking ranger costumes. Tied everything together nicely, and made me sad to see it "end".

Galaxy-Hard to get used to a clean slate, but I really liked the ranger costumes. I did not like the zords, and did not like Mike as Magna Defender; the original was better and had a cool story. I actally liked Leo a lot, and was one of my favorite Red Rangers. I loved when his helmet was blown apart at the end. The ranger fights were really cool but the zords lacked majorly.

Lightspeed-Ughhh; A military/government run Ranger team; a new idea, but just didn't work out. The stories could have been cool, but never quite made it. Joel and Dana were cool, some of the zords were good, but overall nothing great.

Time Force-To me, the best series. I loved the story (I love time travel and interweaving stories). Wes is my favorite Red Ranger, I liked all the rangers, the acting was pretty good (for power rangers). Only one or two episodes that were lame fillers, but was smoothe and entertaining the entire season. Ransik's ending was lame after all the fighting, but Wes fighting hundreds of cyclotons alone was AWESOME.

Wild Force- Really lame acting. I like the zords a lot, awesome combinations. The story seems to mix some Galaxy and MMPR, but doesn't quite deliver. The Zen Aku story has dragged on and on, and the episodes have been ending the same way; he's going to kill them but doesn't and is facing inner demons. The rangers are too wussy and "gee golly, let's fight evil". Now I may not like it since it came right after TF, so maybe if it came after Turbo I would feel different.

So there's my opinions. I respect everyone's views here, and can see everyone's points, but we've seen that PR's can produce some quality stories, and it just doesn't seem to be at 100% right now, more like 60%.

06/17/03, 09:37 AM
Be careful what you wish for.

MMPR season 1: A+. Introduced you to the series, including Zordon of Eltare (miss him darn it) & Alpha 5 (miss him too). Also Rita was funny. Tommy & Kimberly's relationship, the most developed Ranger/Ranger romance in the series

MMPR s2: A+. Rita & Zedd's relationship was cute.

MMPR s3:A.

MMAR: A-. Personally refered to as the Zeo Saga. Nice Storyline about getting the Zeo crystal.

Zeo: A-/B+ An OK Series, Jason coming back as the gold ranger was a nice touch.

Turbo: F- Let me see..... what's wrong with it..... oh yes. first Zordon & Alpha 5 left for Eltare, never to return again :( Dimitria "questions questions questions" Alpha 6, Alpha 6's voice. Divatox. the whole shebang. Not to mention Justin, a KID as a ranger. >: Although making dimitria stop asking questions was an improvement, along with the Cassie/Phantom romance.

Space: D-/F+ the one thing that brought this series down: DEATH OF ZORDON!

Lost Galaxy: B. Hard to get used to a Post-Zordon saga. Nice go into space to find a new world.

LSR: F-- (is there such a grade?) EVERYTHING SUCKED! MMPR rip off! The Power belongs to beings like Zordon or Dimitria, or even Dulcea, not the military. Although Dana & Carter belong together, (and imo are Spock's maternal grandparents, Carter's lastname is Grayson, like Amanda Spock's mommy)

Time force: C it's an ok series, liked the relationship between Jen & Wes.

Wild Force: C. 4ever red was their best episode. (thank you Tommy for quoting Zordon!) Merick & Princess Shayla should have stayed together.

Ninja Storm: F (so far) too much of an imitation of MMPR, worse than LSR. It was a dead give away that Cam was going to be the newest Ranger. He was way to into the Rangers to be an outsider. his father was sensei. It would be like Zordon's daughter was working with the first mentor.

If I were a DDR Character it would be Charmy. She's the best!

psychic ranger
10/26/10, 04:46 PM
MMPR C: Didn't like the putties, Rita, or her monsters but Goldar was a challenge, green with evil was great, and dragon zord battle mode was my favorite of the generation MMPR2 A: Thunder zords were awesome, Zedd was actually made cool monsters, new rangers, going miss the old rangers and the green rangers, but white ranger cool and the white tigerzord MMPR3 A: Rito had to be in it, the ninja quest, Kat as the new pink rangers, the shogun zords, Master vile mini series, alien rangers PRZ: B Mondo using monsters mostly from the rangers stuff ex Rocky's school project and the baby, the gold ranger PRT: D first part sucks, second part no storyline, dimitra and Alpha 6, only good thing is Phantom ranger and the new zords PRIS: C Ninja turtles random, not really hunting down zordon they stay mostly on earth, megazords are cool, countdown toi destruction great finale PRLG: B Magna defender music cool, lost galacticzords, use orion to much, fighting pyscos again awesome PRLR: C Dana is hot, cool arsenal but they get captured alot, PRLG teamup nice, Bansheera is caring more about destroying mariner Bay than her soldiers Ryan cool ranger PRTF: B cool storyline but Eric needs to lighten, the revenge Frax is looking for, Time shadow and Q rex best megazords PRWF A Forever red and the teamup w/ time force, Taylor is tough awesome first battle with Master org, like animal crystals, great friendship between Max and Danny PRNS: A Tori looks hot in blue, she is a great ninja, the thunder rangers cool, Cam great ranger, Lothor actually is funny

10/26/10, 04:46 PM
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 1- Fun to watch got better over time. The Green Ranger saga was the highlight of the season. Grade: A-

Mighty Moprhin Power Rangers season 2- Started out strong the green ranger era of the season was great. Once the White Ranger came in it started to suck he was so annoying. With the exception of Adam the replacement Rangers weren't very good. Still pretty enjoyable Grade: B+

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 3- The best season of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. A lot of great arcs especially Ninja Quest and The Kim/Kat arc. It was fun to see the show stop taking itself seriously for a while with the villains partying and what not. Grade: A+

Power Ranger Zeo- Took itself too seriously for my taste. Bland villains. Helped with the fact that Rita and Zedd made recurring appearances. And the Goldar and Rito subplot was amusing. I liked the Tommy/Kat build up though I still prefer Kat as an evil girl then a Ranger. The SuperZeo zords were fugly. Grade: C

Power Rangers Turbo- The first half was terrible. But once the cast change happened the show improved immensely. Divatox actually seemed like a threat to the new Rangers. Justin became a little less Cousin Oliver. Dimitria stopped speaking in questions. The show finally achieved the fresh new look it had been looking for since season 3. Chase into Space is my personal favorite season finale because it was one of the rare times in any kind of show where the good guys actually lose. Grade: B. (Would have given it an A but first half brings it down)

Power Rangers in Space- Good but very overrated. The Astronema/Andros subplot was the heart of the season. Countdown to Destruction was good but ended in a cop-out. Some of the best looking zords since season 3. Grade: A-

PPower Rangers Lost Galaxy- Excellent. Great characters. Great villains, great setting, great story. One of the darker power rangers series that gets overlooked in favor of PRIS, TF, and RPM. Biggest problem was Kendrix's unexplainable return from the dead. It would have been better if she stayed dead. They could have showed her in spirit form in the series finale if they wanted too but actually bringing her back was cheap. Grade: A+

Power Rangers Lightspeed- Underrated. The story was good especially the Titanium Ranger subplot. Queen Bansheera is perhaps the most ruthless big bad. And this was the first story to completley sever all ties to previous seasons. Compared to Lost Galaxy which played it very safe by keeping The Megaship and Alpha and having Bulk appear every so often. Grade: B-

Power Rangers Timeforce- Pretty good. Tad overrated. Didn't care for let's turn Alex into an asshat just so Wes and Jen could get together though. Zords were pretty blah. Grade: A-

Power Rangers WildForce- Freakin Terrible season. Just terrible. Got me to stop watching. F-

10/26/10, 04:46 PM
prz: B-
prlg: C+