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View Full Version : Favorite Morphing Phrase

02/10/02, 06:05 AM
Which morphing phrase did u like the best?

Jason Frank
02/10/02, 06:44 AM
Mine is......WILD ACCESS

Desert Thunder Turbo
02/10/02, 10:08 AM
Shift into Turbo, funnily enough

Pyro Lion Ranger
02/10/02, 10:37 AM
Let's Rocket!

go galactic
02/10/02, 01:51 PM
go galactic!

Red Battle Warrior
02/10/02, 01:52 PM
Mine is Let's Rocket!!

02/10/02, 02:16 PM
Good old "It's Morphin Time"

02/10/02, 03:41 PM
"It's morphin' time". . .you can use it no matter what type of ranger you are, and it's cool.

02/11/02, 02:19 AM
Let's rocket is cool and Time for time force

02/12/02, 08:13 PM
Yit Se Rubai Wak!
Zordon coined this one

02/15/02, 12:18 AM
Do I really have to put what my most favorite is?

02/18/02, 06:11 AM
Mine is also Morphing time. Also cause, if i ever write my fanfic, eventually my 10 rangers have to fuse their powers, & to do that they say "It fusion time"

psychic ranger
01/24/11, 01:51 PM
Time for Timeforce

05/13/14, 01:25 PM
I personally don't have a favorite one but I do have some favorites such as...

It's Morphin' Time!
SPD Emergency (I just didn't like the idea of all of them using it)
Magical Source Mystic Force (but I have the same concern there as I do with the SPD phrase)