View Full Version : What if Jason, Zack, and Trini had become VR Troopers?

07/27/11, 12:26 AM
So first things first like a lot of people I wanted to see the VR Troopers team up with the Power Rangers at some point, and I tried to think of how that could happen, and when.

I also sometimes wonder what would have happened had VR Troopers adapted other Metal Hero shows, and I always wanted to see VR Troopers add more members to the team.

Anyway long story short I started thinking what if Jason, Zack, and Trini had become VR Troopers after leaving the rangers with their VR Trooper forms being unused Metal Heroes.

07/28/11, 05:37 AM
That would be terrible. They already tried that with JDF - he was set to to the Cybertroon series, but fans brought him back to PR. So I think the same would happen with Jason, Trini and Zack if they were to leave the Power Rangers for different reasons and not the ones because of their actors really left the show.