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View Full Version : Kamen Rider Central is staying put!

12/12/09, 08:38 PM
With the recent news that Dragon Knight is cancelled and the fact that there most likely won't be another Kamen Rider series state side for awhile..... I felt I should make this post. I just wanted to let everyone know that this board will stay open indefinitly. Japenese Kamen Rider is still around and we can still discuss Dragon Knight. Maybe even start a revival campaign. Who knows their could be future US Kamen Rider projects ( wouldn't surprise me, just not in the near future).

12/12/09, 08:47 PM
A better title for this thread would've been "Kamen Rider Central isn't going anywhere," because the above heading gave me a heartattack.

12/13/09, 12:03 AM
Yeah I got worried for a second there. lol Tokusatsu will always live on and when the weather is right will make its return to the US and other countries.

12/13/09, 04:25 AM
A better title for this thread would've been "Kamen Rider Central isn't going anywhere," because the above heading gave me a heartattack.
I agree.

::fixes yet another of PRX's mistakes::