View Full Version : "Key to the Past" Discussion

05/07/14, 05:19 PM
So we finally get the big reveal. Tenaya 7 is in fact Dillion's sister. Most of the fandom wasn't surprised. But it was nice to finally get the reveal. The flashback's showing Tenaya getting captured and thrown into the machine chamber we're chilling. You can diffinitly see why it gave Dillion those nightmares. I wonder how Dillion was able to escape after all that? Also, how did he get his car?

It made sense for Tenaya to be conflicted. Even though she knew the truth and was getting her memories back, it made sense for her to want to get rid of Dillion. Venjix programmed her and erased her memories. It made sense for her to want to remain on his side at first. She was programmed to think humanity was weak. But seeing Dillion and the memories flooding back, made her humanity continue to come out. Making her decide to switch sides. It was crazy to see Tenaya bleed. They did a good job of forshadowing this during the first fight. Where Tenaya made fun of humanity bleeding.

I like how Kilobyte had a hand in Tenaya's origins. He really is a dasterdly villian. Watching him kick Dillion down in the flashback's was so heart wrenching. I wonder how Kilobyte got lost in the first placeIt is interesting to see Shifter go out on his own. His new robot lookes pretty menacing.

One thing that puzzles me is the timeframe that Gem and Gemma shared a cell next to Tenaya. Perhaps it was before the events of Dillion's flashback? Since it was pretty clear that she wasn't a full robot yet. Perhaps Dillion was in another cell and just didn't remember. Gem and Gemma could have missed him.