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Pyro Lion Ranger
12/05/01, 12:52 AM
We probably done something like this one before too. I want too see how those 2 guys react on Ashley after dissing on Cassie in the Favorite pink ranger topic.

12/05/01, 08:31 AM
I like Ashley. She was very nice und beauty.

Pyro Lion Ranger
12/05/01, 09:45 AM
Damn right! And she is sexy looking with big boobs. :)

12/06/01, 04:19 PM
and that last statement you made there Pyro is why you've never had a girlfriend

super silverizer
12/06/01, 06:22 PM
Pyro, boobs aren't what Girls are about. Yes i may sound gayer than a Stingwinger who has just inherited a brain for this, but a lot of Girls like sensitive Guys who care about them. Don't go overboard with this though as it may scare them a bit as has happened to me before.

12/06/01, 08:05 PM
Maybe you scared them away because your such a dumbass

Pyro Lion Ranger
12/07/01, 12:20 AM

12/12/01, 08:12 PM

12/20/01, 01:17 AM

That intelligent, sweet, gorgeous, BOOTYLICIOUS Nubian princess... I had the biggest crush on her in the 8th grade!

But, seriously, any Yellow Ranger is my favorite (Which explains my growing Yellow Ranger collection), but Aisha is my absolute favorite!! She was sweet, caring, friendly, plus BABY GOT BACK!!!

01/08/02, 05:27 PM
ashley is my fav, but now that we can see maya naked i vote for her

Pyro Lion Ranger
01/08/02, 05:44 PM
Same here BT20, I would make her as my 2nd favorite.

01/13/02, 03:09 PM
immature fools.

psychic ranger
01/17/11, 01:50 PM
Taylor was a strong person Maya was very sweet and very helpful Kelsey free willed

04/24/14, 09:33 PM
Let's see... between Trini, Aisha, Tanya, Ashley, Maya, Kelsey, Katie, Taylor, Kira, Z, Ronny, Lily, Summer, Emily and Gia, I would probably have to go with Taylor but Summer and Gia are tied for second more than likely.