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View Full Version : Just Watch Forever Red again

02/08/06, 05:59 PM
Well I'm watching Forever Red and my wife is like who are these power Rangers. Then I have to go into who each one is and which series they are from. Yet at the end of it its only like 20 minutes long. I haven't seen the Japanese version of it but was it longer then 20 minutes. If it was I feel they so could of done a longer show at least two episodes. I mean I'm a hugh Ranger fan deep at heart and to Have Jason and Tommy on one episode working together again i feel they could of pulled a two parter. Just I love Forever red its just kinda disapointing.

02/08/06, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by Malachi@Feb 8 2006, 10:59 PM
Well I'm watching Forever Red and my wife is like who are these power Rangers. Then I have to go into who each one is and which series they are from. Yet at the end of it its only like 20 minutes long. I haven't seen the Japanese version of it but was it longer then 20 minutes. If it was I feel they so could of done a longer show at least two episodes. I mean I'm a hugh Ranger fan deep at heart and to Have Jason and Tommy on one episode working together again i feel they could of pulled a two parter. Just I love Forever red its just kinda disapointing.
Sentai had a special that year called Super Sentai VS Gaoranger. They did this instead of doing a Timeranger/Gaoranger team up. A team of five Sentai hereos from the past apeared in SS Vs Gao. I beleive the ending featured all the Red Rangers of Sentai's past ( from that point) showing up. I believe it was a two parter or special movie. I am not exactly an expert when it comes to Sentai. But the actual plot or episode was not used in "Forever Red". "Forever Red" featured all american footage.

Keep in mind that PR had a WF/TF that year already. So with "Forever Red" that made three episodes dedicated to crossovers. Forever Red was just meant to celebrate PR's tenth anniversy for the cast, crew, and the long time fans. It was not meant to be more than a special event. Thats why you have to excuse the "how did they get their powers back" question. Forever Red was just supposed to be an entertaining episode, honoring the past. It wasnt made to explain every little detail and how it fit in canon. Sure it would have been nice to have a two parter. But I think its understandable that we got what we got. At one point, the idea of an episode like "Forever Red' was beleived to be impossible outside of fan fiction. I think "Forever Red" stands as a milestone int he series that will never be topped. It also acted as a finalie of sorts for MMPR Productions.

02/08/06, 11:57 PM
Thanks for responding. Yeah I understand that. But It would of been nice it was only 20 minutes long though. Which gave little time for anything. Yes I'm glade its made and all but yeah wish it was a two parter. Now on the powers part. I beleave they could of been explaind easy with that Its a one shot deal. They just had enough power to transform once or twice more and that would of push the limits of what was left of the power. It was nice though seeing all the Rangers of the past even the Alien Ranger though he never powered down. But I did find the quote from jason funny. "I was doing all the work while he was kissing on Kimberly in the juicebar" or something like that. I found it rather funny.

Kamen Rider Decade
02/09/06, 07:39 AM
Originally posted by PRangerX@Feb 8 2006, 11:30 PM
Thats why you have to excuse the "how did they get their powers back" question.
None of them got powers back because none of them never lost them.

Pay attention the show damn it. It provides all the answers so fucking pay attention or stop watching completely.

02/09/06, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Malachi@Feb 9 2006, 04:57 AM
Thanks for responding. Yeah I understand that. But It would of been nice it was only 20 minutes long though. Which gave little time for anything. Yes I'm glade its made and all but yeah wish it was a two parter. Now on the powers part. I beleave they could of been explaind easy with that Its a one shot deal. They just had enough power to transform once or twice more and that would of push the limits of what was left of the power. It was nice though seeing all the Rangers of the past even the Alien Ranger though he never powered down. But I did find the quote from jason funny. "I was doing all the work while he was kissing on Kimberly in the juicebar" or something like that. I found it rather funny.
Forever Red does have some cut scenes. There is one scene where Max wanted to go with Cole, but Carter piolitely told him it was Red Rangers only. There is another scene where the WF Rangers see two kids (named Ray and Manny) arguing over which Ranger is the coolest. The kids were named after key fandom names. The real life Ray and Manny being the webmasters of Power Rangers Central and the Morphing Grid. I believe Bulk and Skull had a more extended scene as well. There is a scene in the Megaship where Tommy talks to Alpha 7 about how he and Jason hadn't been getting a long in recent years. It was in reference to something that happened in the fandom, I am a little shaky as to what exactly inspired this. But your could see clearly through Jason and Tommy's interaction that there was some sort of disagreement. It seems they put it behind them though. There were some other planned things that didn't happen. They wanted Kat to be in the episode as Tommy's wife, but Catherine Sutherland was unvailable, except to provide the voice over for one of the villains. Orginally at the end there was supposed to be a Zord battle with all the Red Ranger's zords. That was nixed for budget reasons. Originally, Amit wanted the story to be about a group of evil robed men trying to ressurect Dark Spector. But the higher ups wanted Amit to use exisiting costumes for the baddies. Thus why the beatleborgs were used as Machine Empire Generals. They also wanted to get Steve Cardensa ( Rocky) to make a cameo, but he couldn't be reached.

If you think about it the only question in terms of regaining powers is Jason and TJ. The zeo powers were never really lost. Some people argue that Jason still retained his powers after the "Power Transfer", with them only being copied to Rocky. Others think he got them back somehow. From what I heard, Amit wrote the team up as if the orginal team has gotten back together. As for TJ, well look at how Justin got his powers back from Mountain Blaster. The same could have happened with TJ and Red Lightning Cruiser. The Zeo Powers were never really lost so its not surprising Tommy had his Zeo Morpher.

The reason why Aurico didn't demorph was because his orginal actor didn't come back. The same thing almost happened with Leo. But lucky Danny Slavin made a last minute deal to film some scenes unmorphed on blue screen.

02/09/06, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by PRangerX
Thats why you have to excuse the "how did they get their powers back" question.
Originally posted by Kamen Rider Decade
None of them got powers back because none of them never lost them.

Pay attention the show damn it. It provides all the answers so fucking pay attention or stop watching completely.
That wasn't my point. My point was that it didn't matter and wasn't intended to be a big part of the episode.

As for Rangers and getting their powers back, refer to my post above this one.

Kamen Rider Decade
02/09/06, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by PRangerX@Feb 9 2006, 12:52 PM
That wasn't my point. My point was that it didn't matter and wasn't intended to be a big part of the episode.

As for Rangers and getting their powers back, refer to my post above this one.
Don't care what your point was, just don't spread that garbage. Every Red Ranger in Forever Red had powers and never lost them. That is fact as established by the show. Don't spread that garbage the idiot 'fans' seem to love.

As for your TJ & Justin, still wrong. The powers come from Eltar not Lightning Cruiser nor Storm Blaster, they merely gave TJ & Justin a conduit to access the powers. So LC & SB didn't give them back their powers. For them to give back the powers they would have to fix the power source on Eltar which clearly they can't do since they have no hands.

It is Storm Blaster not Mountain Blaster. Mountain Blaster is a Zord not a sentient living vehicle. It's just plain Lightning Cruiser not Red Lightning Cruiser.

02/09/06, 05:38 PM
[Originally posted by PRangerX
That wasn't my point. My point was that it didn't matter and wasn't intended to be a big part of the episode.

As for Rangers and getting their powers back, refer to my post above this one.

Originally posted by Kamen Rider Decade
Don't care what your point was, just don't spread that garbage. Every Red Ranger in Forever Red had powers and never lost them. That is fact as established by the show. Don't spread that garbage the idiot 'fans' seem to love.

As for your TJ & Justin, still wrong. The powers come from Eltar not Lightning Cruiser nor Storm Blaster, they merely gave TJ & Justin a conduit to access the powers. So LC & SB didn't give them back their powers. For them to give back the powers they would have to fix the power source on Eltar which clearly they can't do since they have no hands.

It is Storm Blaster not Mountain Blaster. Mountain Blaster is a Zord not a sentient living vehicle. It's just plain Lightning Cruiser not Red Lightning Cruiser.

I stand corrected about the zord names.

Yes, the Eltar power thing is another theory with the Turbo Powers.

The truth is we really don't know a lot about the backstory here. But we really don't have to. The people worrying about why someone has what power are missing the point.

Kamen Rider Decade
02/09/06, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by PRangerX@Feb 9 2006, 05:38 PM
Yes, the Eltar power thing is another theory with the Turbo Powers.
The Eltar power thing is not another theory it is fact, as stated by the show.

02/13/06, 08:56 PM
[i]Originally posted by PRangerX
Yes, the Eltar power thing is another theory with the Turbo Powers.

Originally posted by Kamen Rider Decade
The Eltar power thing is not another theory it is fact, as stated by the show. [/b]

When was that ever stated on the show?

Kamen Rider Decade
02/13/06, 09:08 PM
[i]Originally posted by PRangerX
Yes, the Eltar power thing is another theory with the Turbo Powers.

Originally posted by Kamen Rider Decade
The Eltar power thing is not another theory it is fact, as stated by the show.
Originally posted by PRangerX
When was that ever stated on the show?
I would have to rewatch the show again to tell you exactly when it was said.

Searching Rangerboard might yet fruitful results.

If I was you I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for me to do those things.

07/28/06, 12:21 PM
disapointed with forever red with the storie line they just wanted the ranger to morph and fight we wanted that to but good storie line needed.
serpenter was not a power full as expeced. expected them to call there zords and stuff good longer hour needed to
storie line didnt add up just did make sences
didnt mention zordons death infact they made something up but cant remember what they said

02/02/14, 09:52 PM
Yet at the end of it its only like 20 minutes long. I haven't seen the Japanese version of it but was it longer then 20 minutes. If it was I feel they so could of done a longer show at least two episodes. I mean I'm a hugh Ranger fan deep at heart and to Have Jason and Tommy on one episode working together again i feel they could of pulled a two parter. Just I love Forever red its just kinda disapointing.

Sentai had a special that year called Super Sentai VS Gaoranger. They did this instead of doing a Timeranger/Gaoranger team up. A team of five Sentai hereos from the past apeared in SS Vs Gao. I beleive the ending featured all the Red Rangers of Sentai's past showing up.
Keep in mind that PR had a WF/TF that year already. So with "Forever Red" that made three episodes dedicated to crossovers. Forever Red was just meant to celebrate PR's tenth anniversy for the cast, crew, and the long time fans. It was not meant to be more than a special event. Thats why you have to excuse the "how did they get their powers back" question. Sure it would have been nice to have a two parter. But I think its understandable that we got what we got. At one point, the idea of an episode like "Forever Red' was beleived to be impossible outside of fan fiction. I think "Forever Red" stands as a milestone int he series that will never be topped. It also acted as a finalie of sorts for MMPR Productions.

Yes, Sentai released a movie called "Gaoranger vs Super Sentai" that year or whatever the title's format was. The movie was a little longer than an hour and yes, the plot was nowhere close to that of "Forever Red." Also that's correct with 5 Sentai Soldiers/Rangers returning. 3 of which had been adapted as Power Rangers but the other 2 were not.
Yes the ending did feature all of their previous Red warriors.
Yes, it certainly stands as a milestone in Power Rangers.
Also you're right in regards to the questioning the powers but granted it was only Jason's power that needs questioning despite what Kamen Rider Black wants you to believe.

Now on the powers part. I beleave they could of been explaind easy with that Its a one shot deal. They just had enough power to transform once or twice more and that would of push the limits of what was left of the power. It was nice though seeing all the Rangers of the past even the Alien Ranger though he never powered down. But I did find the quote from jason funny. "I was doing all the work while he was kissing on Kimberly in the juicebar" or something like that. I found it rather funny.

Yea, with the power thing, they could've explained it that way with things like Jason's Power Coin but with the others? That really wouldn't work since none of the others lost their powers.

Forever Red does have some cut scenes. There is one scene where Max wanted to go with Cole, but Carter piolitely told him it was Red Rangers only. There is another scene where the WF Rangers see two kids (named Ray and Manny) arguing over which Ranger is the coolest. The kids were named after key fandom names. The real life Ray and Manny being the webmasters of Power Rangers Central and the Morphing Grid. I believe Bulk and Skull had a more extended scene as well. There is a scene in the Megaship where Tommy talks to Alpha 7 about how he and Jason hadn't been getting a long in recent years. It was in reference to something that happened in the fandom, I am a little shaky as to what exactly inspired this. But your could see clearly through Jason and Tommy's interaction that there was some sort of disagreement. It seems they put it behind them though.
All of that is mostly correct. Bulk & Skull had an extended scene in which where they name off the foot soldiers, they continue to go on with the foot soldiers' names, even ones that they SHOULDN'T know about.
I hadn't heard of that Alpha 7 scene previously but the rocky relationship between Jason and Tommy I believe had something to do with an internet Fanfic that made things awkward between the 2 of them.

Originally posted by PRangerX
There were some other planned things that didn't happen. They wanted Kat to be in the episode as Tommy's wife, but Catherine Sutherland was unvailable, except to provide the voice over for one of the villains. Orginally at the end there was supposed to be a Zord battle with all the Red Ranger's zords. That was nixed for budget reasons. Originally, Amit wanted the story to be about a group of evil robed men trying to ressurect Dark Spector. But the higher ups wanted Amit to use exisiting costumes for the baddies. Thus why the beatleborgs were used as Machine Empire Generals. They also wanted to get Steve Cardensa ( Rocky) to make a cameo, but he couldn't be reached.

That's correct with Cat, she did the voice of Tezzla, the Machine Empire General that had the B-Fighter Kabuto/Beetleborgs Metallix suit for her.
Yes, that's correct with the zord battle but it was nixed because not enough of the suits were in good enough condition for filming so they were going to need to use CGI for it but CGI for 10 zords was too much for the budget.
That's correct with the Dark Specter resurrection but I believe it was Koichi's idea that he wanted Amit to work these specific suits (the B-Fighter and B-Fighter Kabuto) suits into the story instead.
That's partially incorrect with Steve, he had been reached but during the time he was moving, they attempted to reach him again but they didn't have the updated contact info.

Originally posted by PRangerX
If you think about it the only question in terms of regaining powers is Jason and TJ. The zeo powers were never really lost. Some people argue that Jason still retained his powers after the "Power Transfer", with them only being copied to Rocky. Others think he got them back somehow. From what I heard, Amit wrote the team up as if the orginal team has gotten back together. As for TJ, well look at how Justin got his powers back from Mountain Blaster. The same could have happened with TJ and Red Lightning Cruiser. The Zeo Powers were never really lost so its not surprising Tommy had his Zeo Morpher. The reason why Aurico didn't demorph was because his orginal actor didn't come back. The same thing almost happened with Leo. But lucky Danny Slavin made a last minute deal to film some scenes unmorphed on blue screen.

That's correct with Jason's powers being questionable since the Dino powers were damaged but that's incorrect with T.J. The Zeo powers were indeed never lost so Tommy having his Zeonizer shouldn't be a surprise.
In the case of Jason's powers, we'll never really know how he got his powers back but I don't believe in the clone theory.
Not sure if when Amit wrote the episode, he actually intended the whole original team to be back or not, I wasn't aware of that information.

In the case of the Turbo powers, the Siren Blaster provided Justin a spare Turbo Morpher. Lightning Cruiser likely did the same thing for T.J. provided he didn't get back up his old Morpher.
Now despite what KDR (Kamen Decade Rider) would lead you to believe, Siren Blaster and Lightning Cruiser could be powerful enough to power at least Blue Turbo Ranger and Red Turbo Ranger respectively... since there would be no reason for them to act as a conduit for their powers.
Eltar was indeed the source of the Turbo powers and once that fell, the Turbo Rangers lost their connection to them but that doesn't mean Justin and T.J. had to use their non-zord vehicles in order to power themselves.

Yes, that's correct with David Bacon (Aurico) and Danny Slavin (Leo) but unsure if it's blue screen or green screen. I think they usually use green screen unless they can't for whatever reason but no biggie there.

disapointed with forever red with the storie line they just wanted the ranger to morph and fight we wanted that to but good storie line needed.
serpenter was not a power full as expeced. expected them to call there zords and stuff good longer hour needed to
storie line didnt add up just did make sences
didnt mention zordons death infact they made something up but cant remember what they said

Serpentera was definitely a disappointment in the episode, not to mention it was never up to proper scale in American footage.
The story itself wasn't a bad idea, it just wasn't executed properly.
Fighting was pretty much all they could do in the length of one episode - bringing all Red Rangers together, fight and then destroy the episode's villains as well as Serpentera.
Yea, it needed to be a longer episode - like an extra episode and it did need a zord battle considering how Serpentera was destroyed and all but it just wasn't something that they could deal with.
Zordon's death had been mentioned in the original produced episode of "Forever Red" but I believe an ADR Director wasn't happy with how Christopher (Andros) had said it so they had him re-voice it and they had him say that he saved 2 worlds which isn't technically making up something, it's just not the whole truth since he saved the whole universe, just not 2 worlds.

02/03/14, 02:55 PM
To me Forever Red just like Once a Ranger is one of those episodes that everyone thinks could have been improved but at the same time not everyone can agree on what that would be.

For instance I think they should have made it a two parter, and gone with the original idea of bringing back Dark Specter but I also would have liked it if there were other villain besides the Machine Empire like Bansheera's demons, mutants from 3001, space pirates, etc.

As for how everyone gets their powers back just have it where when the bad guys bring back Dark Specter it causes some flux in the balance of good and evil that brings back Zordon who gives the Red Rangers their powers back, and destroying Dark Specter again also destroys Zordon again at the end.

02/04/14, 07:40 PM
I agree, yes, it's like "Once a Ranger" where pretty much every single person thinks it could have been improved.

I agree with a 2-part episode but not with the Dark Specter resurrection attempt. He's dead, Zordon's dead, both characters should stay dead. They should've went with another route, like bringing back ones that they can explain away escaping the Z-wave.
I mean you don't see the energy wave hitting villains such as Goldar, Scorpina, Rito, Master Vile, Gasket and Archerina for example so they should have went that route. It should be something that progresses the story rather than basically go back to 1998.
It's why I wasn't entirely happy with their "Forever Red" idea since the villains were basically all new.

Also that'd be an interesting idea, a Demonic Org that escapes from the future that embedded itself with Mutant DNA.

Thing is, not everyone lost their powers. Only the Ninja Coins were truly destroyed, the Dino Coins were not.

02/04/14, 08:30 PM
See I always forget that since I know the ninja powers, and Turbo powers were destroyed but everyone else just retired.

And there were the Mutorgs from Reinforcements from the Future so it wouldn't be too much to say that one survived, and sold it's soul to Banshera or one of her minions.

Actually now that I think about it it's been a long time since I saw Lightspeed Rescue did Jinxer ever die or get banished?

If not he could be the one the Mutorg sold it's soul to, and in exchange it gathers the surviving villains of the previous seasons to help him destroy Earth.

02/05/14, 10:46 PM
What part do you always forget? The Ninja powers were destroyed but the Turbo powers weren't, their source was Eltar, once that fell, the powers were rendered useless for the time being.

Very true with the Mut-Orgs or there could be a hidden one that aligned itself with Bansheera or Jinxer.

Last we saw of Jinxer was he went down with the Omega Megazord's destruction... as far as we know of since he was piloting it along with a few of his Batlings before the Rangers had no choice but to blow it up.
Him escaping the destruction would be normal since how many times have the Rangers avoided the destruction of zords even when they logically should be right in the middle of the explosion?