View Full Version : PR now and before

01/16/04, 07:04 PM
What do you think about the way pr has changed. In the beginning pr started out as pure fun. It was campy, the characters were one demensional, and the show had more fillers. There was no clear story line with a begining middle and end.

Now pr has a clear storyline. Characters have become deeper in design. Seasons are finished more cleanly now. Each season has become it own show in a sense. I like this and hope pr continues to go strong like this.

01/20/04, 10:02 PM
Yeah, I hope PR goes on forever until whenever Super Sentai ends.

01/21/04, 10:49 PM
As long as toy sales are good and dthe companies invovled are making enough money Power Rangers has a good chance of staying on the air.

01/21/04, 11:15 PM
If Bandai stop, PR stops if Sentai still goes on.

01/22/04, 01:28 AM
Well I don;t think the sentai is really gonna determine wether Power Rangers survives or not. Sure if Sentai ends Power Rangers ends. BUt if senti continues that doesn't mean power rangers continues. But like we have said if toy sales end PR most likly will end. Whether the Sentai is still going or not.