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View Full Version : Dark MMPR Fan Film with Katie Slackhoff

02/24/15, 11:49 AM
Remember that Dark MMPR piolet that was talked about a few weeks back? Well,
turns out it was really a dark fan film being done for fun. Being done by an actual professional director. Starring Katie Slackhoff and James Van Der Beek of all people. Its pretty interesting. Watch it while you can. Nevertheless know if something like this will get yanked.


MMPR Forever
02/24/15, 12:25 PM
This was stupid. It wasn't even Power Rangers. Dark and Gritty Power Rangers doesn't fit. Sounds like someone was just trying to turn PR into something it isn't. I hope the Lionsgate movie is nothing like this. It didn't even make sense.

No Green Spandex
02/24/15, 12:29 PM
I liked it. It was pretty funny. And this might surprise you but I actually thought Tommy was cool here. I love how they got Carla Perez.

02/24/15, 12:33 PM
It was supposed to be overly dark and gritty. It was a commentary on what holywood likes to do with old properties. Often times turning these properties into something it isn't. It wasn't meant to be pure Power Rangers. Its just a fan film making a point. Plus its meant to be fun. Its not a take on what PR should be.

Phantom Stranger
02/24/15, 12:37 PM
Its pretty clear this is the exact opposite of Power Rangers. Its bizzarro Power Rangers. Got to give the people here credit for taking time to do a fan film for free. A lot of proffessional people are involved in this.

02/24/15, 01:04 PM
I just finished watching it and it just wasn't my cup of tea.

Starlight Starbrite
02/24/15, 04:23 PM
I always knew Rocky would go bad lol

02/24/15, 04:25 PM
I didn't expect that twist in the end. It was pretty clever. Obviously nothing in canon. But most fan films aren't. So looks like that rumor really did end up being something.

A Gia To Remember
02/24/15, 06:06 PM
Some people just have overractive imaginationa. Thats not Power Rangers. Its some overly sexed up action movie

Captain Codfish
02/24/15, 06:07 PM
It was never supposed to be Power Rangers. Its a comentary on what Holywood does to old brands when they reboot them. PRX is right.

Itzy Bitzy Carter
02/24/15, 11:49 PM
I don't like it. Its way over the top gritty. They took the characters and story and made it into something else. It has more of a place has its own thing than being associated with Power Rangers. Just not the way the movie franchise should head.

Lightspeed Zeo
02/24/15, 11:50 PM
I wouldn't like Power Rangers to be really like this. But I don't really take this too seriously. It was just a fan film a bunch of proffessional people were having fun with. Its not really a big deal. I can enjoy it as a crazy fan film.

02/25/15, 12:18 PM
It was interesting to say the least. They put a lot of work into this. Good for them for getting such high profile actors. The visuals look like movie quality. The film is well pit together and had a clever twist. Like has already been said here. I like it. Not what I think real PR should quite be like. But this is cool.

Massive Ego
02/26/15, 11:36 AM
I love it! So much better than the crap we have been getting the last decade. Somebody should hire the director quick. He knows how to make PR better than anyone Saban Brands has now.

03/02/15, 07:11 AM
..And that right there is why nobody will take what you say about Dino Charge seriously.

I liked it for what it was...a send-up, but it is not where we need to be to get wider eyes on the product

03/03/15, 05:21 AM
Most reviews I've read or listened to all just say the same thing over and over. It's dark, gritty, violent, and nasty. And either people love it or hate it typically.

You have ten year old kids watching it and saying, I know nothing about PR and didn't understand anything that was going on. But there was cussing, violence, sex and drug references, and it was dark and gritty so it's awesome!

I found plenty of stuff that I liked and disliked in it, and after watching it three times, for being a one and done artsie movie with a different take. I liked it more than I didn't. Mainly because it was something different for a change.

The beginning is what in my opinion is actually the worst thing about the movie. stop and go first person shooter sequence where the rangers are fighting the machine empire. It's really hard to see or distinguish much here, as the camera work is really shaky and you only see glimpses at a time. Ala all handheld movies from Blair Witch to Cloverfield, It's pretty annoying and ineffective, and kind of gives you a headache. Luckily it was short. Instead of handheld weapons or their pistol like power blasters, they have Call Of Duty like machine guns. Which I really didn't care for. Then there's the final shot of their megazord being destroyed in battle, which looks like a really cheap knock off of Michael Bays Transformers(which I'm also NOT a fan of). So while it was attention grabbing and full of hokey effects, this was the lowest point in the movie for me.

As far as the set-up & back story was concerned, I was pretty pleased with the idea of earth's government negotiating a truce with the machine empire, and the rangers disband. A good majority of fans have never liked the character of Rocky and were bummed when he replaced Jason, so to see him interrogating Kimberly as an affiliate of the Machine Empire was neat. His bitterness and disdain of teenagers being employed as power rangers was a good take.

I liked the flash back story telling, like Bulk & Skull working for the empire as violent drug dealers who helped assassinate Jason. I laughed at Hip Hop Kido, and the fact that Zack was sleeping with Divatox & Scorpina. Aside from the black ranger suit not looking very impressive, the fight sequence was alright with a slow and deliberate pace, and is excessively violent with Zack dispatching the thugs via head shots and knifing to the head/throat. Which was really over the top, but that's kind of the whole point with this thing.

I wish they would have done more with Billy and Trini, but I thought Billy being gay and Trini dying at the beginning of the peace treaty negotiations with the machine empire were decent touches. Subtle nods to David Yost and the World Peace Conference in Switzerland.

Rocky using Kim as bait was good, which lead to the Rocky/Tommy fight. Compared to the earlier Zack fight, this one was shorter but much quicker, more precise, and in my opinion better choreographed. I also liked that Rocky almost won, although he aside from his robotic leg, I'm pretty sure he had strength enhancements too.

The ending with Rita being behind the rangers and Bulk & Skulls death was alright, although her costume/design looked atrociously bad. And leaving the ending kind of open was good too, considering everyone else is dead hahaha.

So in closing, aside from it being dark and gritty. I liked the approach that they took on this, especially without permission. With a pretty minimal budget, most of the effects and such looked good, while others looked pretty tacky and bad. So many are complaining that this is defacing the franchise, and that It will be bad for children. Kids today are much different than the childen of the 90's. If this movie had come out in the early mid 90's, I could see it being way more controversial and uncalled for. But nowadays young kids are already exposed to most of this content anyway through nasty movies or video games. But that's a whole separate argument an discussion. I think it was a fun and different spin on the franchise that took cues and paid small mentions to fans of the show and characters, and had some pretty decent acting and action sequences for what it was worth.

Phantom Stranger
03/03/15, 11:12 AM
You make some good points. Some of the naysayers have overracted. If it was an official film like Bayformers it would be something. It is just a fan film and does nothing to damage the franchise. They aren't marketing this to younger viewers. Its fine for what it is.

Zordon's Legacy
03/05/15, 11:04 PM
I heard about this and everyone made a big deal about it. I finally saw it and don't think its a big deal. Its just a short fan video.

Khan's Wrath
03/05/15, 11:06 PM
I think it was pretty fun. I'm not offended by it at all. Its just a fun little fan film.

Zordon's Legacy
03/08/15, 02:22 PM
The film just takes itself too seriously. Their attempts at humor came off as forced and flat. And if didn't help that the filmmakers had little knowldge of PR beyond MMPR.