View Full Version : Green Ranger Horror Movie

Horror Ranger
02/27/17, 03:48 PM
Since Power Rangers is trying to expand into new demos with the film franchise... Do you think its a good idea to do a Green Ranger Horror movie next?

Usagi Reborn
02/27/17, 03:53 PM
Did you see the second trailer? The movie is darker but they are not totally abandoning the fun campiness. So its never going to be that dark. You are never getting a Rated R PR Movie. Good luck selling toys for that without any backlash.

Gosei Gold
02/27/17, 09:17 PM
Sorry this idea just sounds too far fetched.

Cassidy Casablancas
02/27/17, 09:18 PM
Why do people always want to turn PR into something it isn't. It isn't supposed to be dark and gritty....And it's certainly not meant for horror.

Continuity Ranger
02/27/17, 09:29 PM
I just how Tommy at least has an origin closer to his tv version. But I am worried they will change him too much.

Goldar's Revenge
02/27/17, 09:31 PM
Never going to happen, nor should it. Power Rangers is about selling toys. Even the new movie was conceived to sell toys. As bad as the designs have been . A rated R movie would kill the toy aspect of things.

02/28/17, 03:16 PM
Yes, Saban Brands has a brand to consider. This would never happen.

Saban Fan
02/28/17, 03:17 PM
Horror just isn't Saban's style.

Revenge of the UAE
02/28/17, 04:16 PM
I agree that its pretty far fetched. I don't even think there would be market for something like that.

Lion Tamer Org
02/28/17, 04:20 PM
Sorry but this sounds like its a better idea for a fan fic or fan film.

Wesley Smallings
02/28/17, 04:34 PM
I think the Green Ranger will be incorporated into the main movie series.

Gosei Gold
03/02/17, 10:44 PM
Most likely in the presumed sequel.

Bratty Katty
03/04/17, 12:24 PM
If you were going to do a horror movie...Wouldn't it be a darker version of Lord Zedd? Not that they will go the horror route anyway.

Delta Black
03/04/17, 10:57 PM
There is no way Saban Brands would ever approve something like this. The had to be convinced. to to allow Power/Rangers the fan film to continue to exist. There is no way they would produce a horror film. Much less take the Green Ranger away from the main franchise.

03/05/17, 09:38 PM
This isn't happening. There is no reason to do a horror movie that has anything to do with Power Rangers.

Kimberly Cares
03/06/17, 10:39 PM
I wouldn't want to see something like that. So I hope not.

Sentai Master
03/07/17, 03:52 PM
Having the Green Ranger be a horror character is a stretch for me. I'd say the same for Zedd. But at least he would fit better. It doesn't mean they can't be darker in the movies.

Kameron Poe
03/11/17, 11:57 AM
I find this idea to be pretty absurd. No offense to the op. Its just not realistic.

Lion Tamer Org
03/11/17, 11:57 AM
Which is why I feel its a better idea for a fan project.

Horror Ranger
03/11/17, 12:01 PM
I like Power Rangers and love horror movies. Thats why I want to see a horror movie with the PR brand. Thats why I want to see this. Plus the Green Ranger arch was so intense, I thought it would be cool to re-imagine it at the next level.

Delta Black
03/11/17, 12:02 PM
Thats cool, we're just telling you its likely never to happen.

Bandora's Ghost
03/14/17, 01:38 AM
I hope they change things up with his origin at least. I don't want a remake of "Green With Evil" ? As good as that five parter is. Remaking it won't work. It won't mean the same. And redoing something waters it down. We need something new for whatever becomes of the new Tommy.

Knights of Ren
03/15/17, 12:09 PM
Maybe a horror movie could do a call back to the Green Ranger. But I doubt anything official will ever be done with Power Rangers property.