View Full Version : What was the whole point of the Tommy Brother Plot?

Chaos Ranger
01/02/17, 11:40 PM
They made such a big deal about the brother storyline by forshadowing it in season 3 with the arrowhead. We even get a nice little group of episodes in Zeo centered around Tommy that deal with the revelation. We learn of David Truehart and his identity as Tommy's brother. And that both protect a piece of an arrowhead that is the key to an army of monsters locked away.

Yet the brother revelation episodes becomes just another two parter that has little effect on the show itself. David barely appears again. He is a throwaway character in an episode invovling surfing. And really just a red herring for the Gold Ranger. It just seemed odd that they made the arrowhead and Tommys quest seem like it would pay off to something big. And it all really goes nowhere. Tommy having a brother doesn't even become a big part of the show. And the arrowhead is never mentioned again.

01/02/17, 11:53 PM
At the time I thought it was all leading to David becoming Gold Ranger with the arrowhead leading to the discovery of his powers. I thought this because I saw the Gold Ranger action figures during the summer hatius. Which broke up the two parter you mentioned. I was surprised when The episode finished with David not becoming Gold. I still thought it might happen for awhile after. But I have to say I am glad Gold ended up being Jason.

Forever Jason
01/02/17, 11:54 PM
Its hard to imagine Jason not becoming Gokd Rangsr. Its bad enough he had to give his powers back to Trey. When Trey ended up leaving the show too.

Gosei Gold
01/03/17, 12:16 AM
I don't think it was meant to be that important. It did seem that way.

Captain Mutiny
01/03/17, 12:38 AM
The point was to keep things interesting. They didn't have much or a payoff in the end though. .

Calamity Kimberly
01/03/17, 04:05 PM
I think they just wanted to introduce a brother for Tommy and get Eric Frank on the show for a bit.

Zeo Power
01/04/17, 07:57 AM
It was an awesome group of episodes. I just wish we would have seen more of David and the arrowhead.

No Green Spandex
01/04/17, 08:03 AM
The episodes were refreshing in that it was the first time Tommy appeared vulnerable since the Green Ranger daya.. Of course they ruined any goodwill from it by having Tommy save the day again.

Inner Senshi
01/04/17, 10:55 PM
There was no point. It was just supposed to be a fun two parter..

Zeo Power
01/05/17, 12:10 PM
If there was a Zeo Season 2 we could have explored David and the Arrowhead more.

Turbo Guy
01/05/17, 12:11 PM
I wouldn't want to give up Turbo. Its my favorite season by far.

Sailor Moon Ranger
01/05/17, 10:27 PM
I really liked the episodes with David. I just wish he stuck around for longed. I guess not having around made room to add Jason.

Diabolico Rising
01/05/17, 10:34 PM
It was a story that squandered a lot of future potential.

Pink Alien Ranger
01/06/17, 11:51 PM
It was odd that they never did anything with David or the Arrowhead after this, since it was built up for so long. David having a small role in the surfing episode really doesn't count. Since it was minor and just to make people think he might be Gold.

True Blue
01/09/17, 04:34 PM
I do think they should have done more with the storyline. The arrowhead should have had a much bigger role in the overall season. I do think Jason was a better fit as Gold than David.

01/09/17, 04:44 PM
I think it was just a story they wanted to tell that reaches its conclusion mid Zeo. It gave Tommy's character more depth.

Digimon Ranger
01/09/17, 09:02 PM
I do think it felt like it was a dropped story-line. Or at least something that should have got more closure. There should have been more to it.

01/09/17, 09:13 PM
The same point to any two or three parter back then. The Arrowhead plot just started as a Zeo Quest thing anyway.

Captain Codfish
01/09/17, 09:21 PM
The needed a fresh story-line for Tommy that didn't feature him losing his powers or demonstrating his "godlike" powers. Its interesting how Tommy is the most vulnerable during Zeo than he was since he was Green Ranger. For the first time he is just one of the Rangers and not a more powerful Sixth. Plus he still has his duties as leader to preform.