View Full Version : Cam On Ninja Storm

09/24/16, 06:16 PM
He was the best Sixth Ranger since Tommy. Its funny he happened to be a Green Ranger too. I like how he was smart and strong. He really played off the other Rangers well. Especially in the beginning when it was just the Winds. I also thought it was cool how he started off as an ally and became a Ranger.

Massive Ego
09/24/16, 06:18 PM
He was the only Ranger I could stand that season. I loved it when he called the Wind Rangers for the lazy idiots that they were. Sensei was a fool not to make him a Ranger earlier.

Zareen Ranger
09/24/16, 06:21 PM
He was the only Ranger I could stand that season. I loved it when he called the Wind Ranger for the lazy idiots that they were. Sensei was a fool not to make him a Ranger earlier.

Are you joking?

Cam spent most of the season being a winer who only lucked into the Green Ranger powers. The guy was a massive tool who was no better than the idotic Wind Rangers. At least he wasn't as selfish as the Thunder Rangers but he was pretty bad himself.

Forever Pink
09/24/16, 07:51 PM
Cam was awesome! He didn't luck into anything. He worked hard to be a Ranger. How made his own destiny. Cam continued to help as the tech even as a Ranger.

09/24/16, 07:56 PM
keep in mind that not all of the Wind Rangers were idiots - Dustin certainly was, Shane definitely was an idiot at points but Tori was never an idiot at all.

Cam was awesome! He didn't luck into anything. He worked hard to be a Ranger. How made hisbowb destiny. Cam continued to help as the tech even as a Ranger.

regardless of whether he was awesome or not he actually did luck into the powers. He wouldn't have needed to go back in time if the Rangers' powers were stolen by Madtropolis on top of which he lucked into the amulet accepting him when there was no guarantee of it doing so had it not done so he would have been in trouble since Miko wouldn't have been willing to let go of it.

A Gia To Remember
09/24/16, 07:58 PM
I loved all the NS Rangers. They were really relateable and strong. They were really fun to watch. I wish they would have stayed around longer. The only other Ranger team in recent memory that were as good was Mega Force. Not that the others were bad.

Destiny Defeated
10/03/16, 07:26 PM
Cam was a really good character in the first half of the season. It all culminated in "Samurai Journey". Which was the best episode of the season by far. After that they didn't really do much with him sadly.

Samurai Mentor
10/03/16, 10:49 PM
Cam was really cool. He was one of the best Sixth Rangers ever. I like how he was made out to be so much more qualified than the Wind Rangers. Yet had to work hard just to become a Ranger.

I wish Cam would have been the mentor in Samurai. Would have fit with Miko being a Samurai

Sentai Is Forever
10/03/16, 10:52 PM
I thought it was a big mistake not to copying the Sentai Storyline for Green. It would have been a good way of bringing back names from the past. Something that you PR fans seem to love. I really thought they did everyone a disservice by trying to be original .

Sentai Snob
10/03/16, 10:53 PM
Yeah it was really bad. NS did a good job at times of being true to Super Sentai. But other times they totally missed the mark. This was one of them. The Green Samurai Ranger should never have been Cam.

Power Rangers Forever
10/03/16, 10:55 PM
Because Power Rangers isn't sentai. The Sentai storyline was lame imo. I much rather the original stuff with Cam. It was so much more interesting. It would have been like Omega Ranger before Omega actually happened. Sloan wasn't inexperienced with the show enough to go that route like Kalish.

No Pink Angel
10/03/16, 11:37 PM
Ninja Storm was a true Power Rangers season. Its about as good as MMPR. Cam was a great Green Ranger. He holds up well with Tommy. But all the NS Rangers pretty much hold their own at the memories of the MMPR teams.

Kelly Power
10/03/16, 11:38 PM
I actually hoped Kelly would be Green Samurai Ranger. But Cam ended up being pretty good.

10/03/16, 11:39 PM
I wish Tori and Cam could have been a couple like Kim and Tommy. They would have been good together.

Cameron Sensei
10/03/16, 11:42 PM
NS was interesting in that it took a lot from Sentai but still did a ton of original things. Particularly with the characterization. Doing the Cam storyline was definitely the right way. We already got what we got in the Sentai. Something original was welcome.

Cam was definitely relate-able to the older fans. While the Winds were probably more relate-able to the young fans.