View Full Version : The Rangers' Greatest Peril

02/17/02, 06:11 AM
Which of the following do you think was the rangers' or one of the ranger's greatest peril?

Mighty Raw
02/17/02, 08:49 AM
During "Changing of the Zords"

02/18/02, 03:14 AM
The Psycho Rangers they gave them a run for there money

Cross My Line
03/19/02, 04:41 PM
They gave them a run yes, but Changing of the Zords has and forever will be the greatest threat they had ever faced. Pilot zords and destroy their own city, or risk Kim's life.

psychic ranger
05/11/14, 05:54 PM
master vile

05/18/14, 04:49 PM
We don't have the original choices included here so I'll just pick what I feel were the greatest perils for the Rangers.

This is in no particular order as always.

1. Zedd capturing a powerless Kimberly and draining her of her energy and trying to force the other Rangers into piloting their new Shogunzords in order to destroy their own planet.

2. United Alliance of Evil invasion attack since there was nothing that the Space Rangers could do to really stop it. The force of the invasion was just too much for them to handle alone.